Communication Network- Nº23 - page 48

on the consumption of
alcohol and drugs
The FCC Environment Levante II
regional office
Alcohol and drug consumption in general,
especially when it is addictive, is a serious
problem for people and their surroundings,
at home and at work. From the family pers-
pective, it can be a real drama for close re-
latives. From the work perspective, it poses
a greater risk of serious accidents, greater
worker absenteeism, and diminished pro-
In order to tackle this problem, the FCC
Environment Levante II regional office is
carrying out a preventive campaign on
drug and alcohol at the workplace, with
the collaboration of Fundación Noray Pro-
yecto Hombre de Alicante. FCC is part of
the “EmpresAmiga” program for collabo-
ration and involvement in order to imple-
ment measures in the field of occupational
Preventive campaigns
at the workplace
hazard prevention and for a healthier and
more socially-committed society. Funda-
ción Noray Proyecto Hombre de Alicante
contributes its experience and knowledge
for detecting and treating addictive habits,
especially alcohol and drug consumption.
The objective of this campaign is to build
awareness among the staff on the need for
keeping an eye on alcohol and drug con-
sumption, reducing or eliminating the use of
these substances particularly at the work-
To date, 148 workers have participated in
awareness-building informative talks ad 35
middle-management personnel were invol-
ved in campaigns to create awareness and
to encourage a critical attitude in respect of
alcohol and drug consumption at work.
Various types of informative material have
been distributed so far, such as leaflets, to
all workers and posters have been placed
at the regional work sites providing informa-
tion on the risks associated with consump-
tion of these substances.
These measures underscore the company’s
interest in encouraging, in a comprehensive
manner, healthy habits among its emplo-
yees so that this has an impact not only in
their working lives, but also in their social
and family lives, and the working place as a
place which generates good healthy habits.
Lleida, FCC Aqualia
The key objectives of the prevention pilot
program, which will be carried out in Llei-
da (Lérida) are to create awareness on the
effects of alcohol and drug consumption
at work and to set up the mechanisms for
early detection. Managers from Catalonia
and the Balearic Islands attended the trai-
ning seminar in Barcelona which was led by
the deputy general manager of Drug Addic-
tion of the Generalitat de Cataluña (the re-
gional government), Joan Colom.
Mr. Colom explained the impact of drug
and alcohol consumption at the workplace,
the legal framework and the lines of action.
Afterwards, he described the prevention
program being carried out in Lleida with the
collaboration of the Catalan regional gover-
nment. This program is going to be deve-
loped in three phases: awareness-building;
detection; and, control, plus intervention
and help for the worker who consumes
these substances.
The program was already successfully ca-
rried out at several departments at FCC.
The result was, in some cases, reducing
the rate of drug and alcohol consumption
from 32% to 2% and workers’ absenteeism
by 10%.
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