Communication Network- Nº23 - page 43

o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y
Cantabria will be able
to know its water footprint
FCC Aqualia and Fundación Botín will
be collaborating in preparing a study on
Cantabria’s water footprint. The managing
directors of both entities, Félix Parra and
Íñigo Sáenz de Miera executed an agre-
ement at a ceremony held at the Madrid
headquarters of Fundación Botín. The ob-
jective of this project is to study the water
footprint of Cantabria to determine the im-
pact of the consumption of water resour-
ces in close collaboration with the regional
administrative bodies.
The study will be conducted during one
year and carried out by Fundación Botín’s
Water Observatory which is made up of re-
searchers from the Complutense University
and Polytechnic University of Madrid in co-
llaboration with the University of Cantabria.
This work will make it possible to know the
impact of the consumption of water inclu-
ded in the goods and services produced
and exchanged by Cantabria, a region
where FCC Aqualia has a major presence
as part of its activity as the manager of the
end-to-end water cycle.
According to Enrique Hernández, director
of CSR and Service Management at FCC
Aqualia, “the new examples of comprehen-
sive planning and management of resou-
The signatories of the agreement with, from left to right: Santiago Lafuente, Manager of Zone I; Enri-
que Hernández and Alberto Garrido, deputy manager of the Water Observatory.
Félix Parra and Íñigo Sáenz de Miera after signing
the agreement.
FCC Aqualia and Fundación Botín sign an agreement
for the first collaborative study to calculate the water
rces and the possible different uses and
qualities, make it necessary to perform a
conceptual analysis and breakdown, so-
mething quite different than the conven-
tional studies. The considerations of virtual
water and the water footprint facilitate this
analysis enormously to determine the most
efficient and sustainable options for the
community’s water supply”.
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