Communication Network- Nº23 - page 50

lnterview with
Pilar de Lara Durán
The Medical Department in Malaga,
which has great experience in Safety and Health at
Work campaigns, is characterised by its professionalism
and commitment and for having tackled
and launched several related actions and programs,
for example, on heatstroke, stress, and preventive
campaigns, such as the one in Rincón de la Victoria
(Malaga) following the invasion of Portuguese jellyfish,
a very harmful medusa found last year in several
coastal areas. The department is committed to an
activity plan to promote health and welfare among
workers, a program which has been a great source of
satisfaction for the department.
Pilar de Lara Durán
Company physician
Medical Department in Malaga
Years in the company:
Since July 2003
Academic training:
Medical and Surgery Degree from
Malaga University.
Senior Technician in Occupational
Hazard Prevention, specialist in Sa-
Doctorate course in Internal Medici-
ne, University of Malaga.
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