Communication Network- Nº23 - page 42

The importance of Corporate Social
Responsibility at
FCC Aqualia
The Las Tablas corporate headquarters
hosted FCC Aqualia’s Corporate Social
Responsibility Forum. Enrique Hernández,
FCC Aqualia’s Director of Social Responsi-
bility and Management Systems, was the
moderator of this event where professionals
from different fields contributed their vision
and experience on Social Responsibility in
companies and debated the key issues re-
lating to this sector.
As a starting point for the debate and fo-
cusing on the citizens to whom we provide
our services, Enrique Hernández discussed
the complicated social situation in the sec-
tor as a result of the anti-privatisation move-
ments and the social tariffs and also talked
about technology as a means for listening
and communicating with citizens and not
merely the venue. He also discussed the
need to measure social, economic and
environmental impacts in the communities
where FCC Aqualia operates.
Clients, suppliers, university, consumer
and city council representatives attended
this second edition of the CSR forum and
discussed various aspects relating to the
company and the sector and people’s per-
ception on the work carried out every day
by FCC Aqualia employees.
The participants during the debate.
Family photo of the Forum participants, from left to right: Yolanda Barahona, head of FCC Aqualia’s
Internal Communications; Juan Pablo Merino; Ramón Pueyo; Félix Parra, managing director of FCC
Aqualia; César Martín; Eduardo Gonzalez, chairman of FCC Aqualia; Ángel Menéndez; Victor Viñuales
and Enrique Hernández.
Regino Criado, professor at the Rey Juan
Carlos University; José Luis García, engi-
neer at the Alcala de Henares City Council;
Luis Guijarro, a journalist who covers news
on the environment; Javier Pino, regional
manager of SOFREL; Belén Ramos, who
works on consumer affairs at the Organi-
zación de Consumidores y Usuarios (OCU);
and Carlos San Félix, former manager of
Sustainability at Cementos Portland Valde-
rrivas were among the guests who partici-
pated at this event. FCC Aqualia was re-
presented by Enrique Hernández, director
of Corporate Responsibility and Manage-
ment Systems, and Alberto Garcia, head of
R+D+i Communications and CSR.
One of the debates that sparked the most
interest among the audience was the one
dealing with the social actions that water
companies are launching in the current
crisis scenario and also the debate in re-
lation with contracting and finance on the
concession fee. In this respect, those who
were present at the forum demanded more
transparency and information, not just in
respect of crisis-related cases, but most
importantly, as a prior step.
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