Communication Network- Nº23 - page 38

Social Responsibility
ONCE Foundation and FCC signed an In-
serta Agreement in Madrid to integrate 125
people with disabilities into FCC’s workfor-
ce over the next three years. This initiative
aims to increase to 350 the total number of
employees with disabilities.
The agreement, signed by Juan Béjar
Ochoa, FCC Vice-Chairman and CEO, and
Alberto Durán, Executive Vice-Chairman of
ONCE Foundation, is among the measures
implemented the latter as part of the Por
Talento Programme to train and employ
people with disabilities, is co-funded by the
European Social Fund.
“This agreement is aligned with the measu-
res implemented by FCC, the Citizen Ser-
Agreement with the
ONCE Foundation
to incorporate 125 people
with disabilities in the workforce
vices Group, to promote the employment
of people with disabilities. Working together
with ONCE Foundation is an essential part
of our Corporate Social Responsibility poli-
cies”, explained Juan Béjar.
According to Alberto Durán, “The renewal
of this agreement confirms that ours is a re-
lationship based on trust. FCC is staunchly
committed to employment for people with
disabilities, and ONCE Foundation shares
its expertise in favour of a more inclusive
To cover new job posts that arise, FCC will
work with FSC Inserta, an ONCE Founda-
tion organisation focused on training and
employment, which will shortlist candidates
with the most suitable profiles.
FCC will also encourage indirect hiring of
people with disabilities by acquiring goods
and services from sheltered workshops.
Talent programme
FCC participates in several unique projects
implemented by ONCE Foundation, such
Renew lnserta Agreement
under the framework of
the Por Talento
Programme, an initiative
that is co-funded by the
European Social Fund and
is being developed by
ONCE Foundation via FSC
Inserta, which trains and
employs people with
One of the main focuses of FCC’s Cor-
porate Responsibility Master Plan is a
commitment to sustainability by pro-
moting actions which are socially res-
ponsible and respond to stakeholder
expectations. Through the Exemplary
Behaviour component of its master
plan to promote social inclusion of
special needs groups, FCC is com-
mitted to supporting and integrating
people with disabilities into the Group.
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