Communication Network- Nº23 - page 45

an environmental programme
in Serbia
“The Land of Dreams” is the symbolic
name of this initiative.
A.S.A. Serbia launched an environmental
education program in Serbia as part of a
series of activities to teach children and
young people the principles of ecological
The company is aware of the importance of
raising environmental awareness which has
a great impact on the younger generations
who adopt these good habits and, at the
same time, transmit this acquired knowled-
ge to their family members.
“The Land of Dreams” is the symbolic name
of this programme which was chosen for a
specific reason. .A.S.A. wants to implement
several measures as part of a long-term
programme to show, in a practical way,
how it is possible, with just a small effort, to
make our environment more comfortable.
A package of measures was chosen as part
of the programme to develop the competi-
tive and creative aspects of individuals and
groups with the aim of achieving an envi-
ronmentally and socially acceptable beha-
Kikinda region
The first action implemented in the Kikinda
region was a competition to collect waste
paper from schools and kindergartens.
Lapovo region
A creative contest was organized in the
region of Lapovo at primary schools with
.A.S.A. as the underlying theme. The res-
ponse of the children from this region has
been very positive and creative so far.
.A.S.A. is perceived for its efforts and the
company is very proud of the work that has
been carried out.
The program
is designed as a series
of activities with the
objective of teaching
children and young
people the principles of
ecological behaviour
o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y
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