Communication Network- Nº23 - page 39

s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y
as the “Never Give Up” (No te Rindas Nun-
ca) plan, which aims to promote employ-
ment among young people with disabilities;
internships for Spanish university students;
and in the Foundation’s new jobs website
In 2009, FCC Medioambiente in Barcelona
signed an agreement with FSC Inserta un-
der which 73 people with disabilities were
hired. Following the good results of this ini-
tiative, in November 2010 the two groups
signed an Inserta Agreement which cove-
red all of the company’s business areas. As
a result of this collaboration, 220 people
had been hired by 31 December 2013.
FSC lnserta
FSC Inserta, ONCE Foundation’s
training and employment arm, is
responsible for the Por Talento
Programme, which is co-financed
by the European Social Fund. This
ambitious project is part of the Ope-
rational Programme for Fighting
Against Discrimination 2007-2013
and provides further support for the
integration of people with disabilities
into society and the workforce and
for equal opportunities.
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