Communication Network- Nº23 - page 55

participates in the
lnternational Safety Fair
Once again, the pavilions at Madrid’s IFEMA
fair grounds hosted the International SICUR
Safety Salon, with 38,840 professional visi-
tors from eighty different countries.
This fair in a reference in Europe in the pri-
vate, public, labour, anti-terrorist, and fire-
fighting industries and where important
technical seminars are carried out at the SI-
FCC participated in the seminar organized
by the Mapfre Foundation, The Worker’s
Health: key for Social-Labour Development.
The topic of this seminar was the importan-
ce of the health of those who spend a major
part of their lives in work surroundings which
requires taking action to enhance the quality
of lives of citizens and society.
The first round table discussion at the se-
minar discussed factors that affect health
in a more critical manner, such as our diets,
physical activity, and rest in our personal li-
ves and at work. In the second round table,
entities such as FCC, F. Mapfre, Grupo Ma-
hou-San Miguel and Acciona talked about
the vision of managers on health as a core
element for a company and for society in ge-
neral, and expressed their thoughts on some
of the issues that were raised:
Workers’ health as a competitive fac-
tor for organizations: a worker’s health
is unique and its impact goes beyond
the workplace. It has been proven that
an organization is as healthy, dynamic,
and capable as its workers.
Workers’ perception of health-promo-
ting activities: the response to these
activities is positive and workers par-
ticipate actively and identify it as a key
factor which also contributes to imple-
menting mandatory occupational ha-
zard prevention measures.
The key aspects when initiating a
health-promotion policy: besides se-
nior management’s commitment, it is
essential to design the right commu-
nication strategies bearing in mind the
message, its target audience, and the
manner of transmitting this message.
On the question of whether or not
managers have sufficient information
to be able to incorporate the healthy
company concepts in their business
strategy: corporate management
should have knowledge on the indica-
tors that help them manage the health
and welfare of the organization. They
should be able to decide the design of
policies and to know their impact on
the business.
The current framework for the pre-
vention of occupational hazards: we
should have proactive regulatory fra-
meworks that promote knowledge,
research, and dissemination and it
should be at the service of all hierarchi-
cal levels.
The possible contribution of a healthy
company to the ageing society: the
concept of a healthy company can
contribute to eliminate barriers when
considering age as a factor at the
workplace and in society.
FCC was also invited to the First Latin Ame-
rican Seminar on municipal road safety or-
ganized by FESVIAL jointly with Unijepol, the
General Directorate of Traffic, the Spanish
Federation of Municipalities and Provinces
(FEMP), and the Madrid City Council. Repre-
sentatives of various Latin American coun-
tries discussed at the seminar the importan-
ce of road traffic in cities and the different
measures and good practices that are being
developed for its improvement.
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