Compost has its origins in the breakdown of
biological material (vegetables) and is used
in agriculture thanks to its ability to improve
the quality of soil significantly.
The process
Composting is basically a natural process
based on the gradual breakdown of biologi-
Compost, a valuable alternative resource that replaces
industrial fertilizers.
Compost consists of biodegradable
fractions and is at least as efficient in
agriculture as synthetic fertilizers
ln the Czech
and Poland
cal material with the help of aerobic bacteria
(who live in the presence of air). Industrial
composting simply intensifies this process
by improving the conditions for bacteria.
This means grinding and aerating greenery
waste. In the case of some technologies, the
entire process is performed in special com-
posting tunnels or in outdoor surfaces which
have been prepared specially for this purpo-
se. Biological stimulators can also be used
such as other bacteria or lignocellulose. The
temperature and humidity of the waste are
constantly monitored during the composting
What is it made of?
Compost is made up of biodegradable frac-
tions, especially vegetable biological waste
from households and gardens; cut grass,
branches, fruit and vegetable waste, pruning
waste from public green areas such as parks
and, in the case of some technologies, slud-
ge from waste treatment plants which can
be useful, although not always profitable.
Composting can be considered a type of