Social Responsibility
The new Plan
applies to all of
FCC Construcción, including
its subsidiaries and
affiliates and extends
to all of the Company’s
FCC Construcción signs its
Equality Plan
with the trade
On 9 March, FCC Construcción and the
Metal, Construction, and Similar federation
attached to UGT (MCA-UGT) and Cons-
truction and Services federation, attached
to CCOO, the Company’s 2
Equality Plan.
The scope of application of this new Plan
is all of FCC Construcción, including sub-
sidiaries and affiliates, and extends to and
covers all of the Company’s employees.
The plan comprises several measures ai-
med at achieving equal treatment and op-
portunities for men and women and elimi-
nates any hint of sex-based discrimination.
To achieve these goals, it contemplates
several actions focusing on: recruitment,
promotion, training, remuneration, concilia-
tion and co-responsibility, the prevention of
sexual harassment and mobbing, gender
violence, health and social well-being, and
communication. Measures and positive ac-
tions will be proposed in all these areas to
accomplish the defined objectives. Moreo-
ver, a monitoring plan was designed which
includes annual reviews to assess the sco-
pe of the measures and to program the
strategy for the following year.
Incorporation of two new chapters:
health and occupational well-being
Among the novelties of this Second Plan,
is the expansion of the chapter on con-
ciliation to incorporate concept such as
flexibility and co-responsibility in order to
build awareness on the idea that equality
is a social issue that affects both men and
women. Two new chapters were included
on health and occupational well-being as
part of the concept of prevention and com-
munication which reflects the importance of
preserving equality in language and audio-
visual communication.
Reinforcing the commitment to equality
The execution of this 2
Equality Plan reinforces FCC Construcción’s and FCC
Group’s commitment to equality between men and women and incorporate new
measures on communication, health and occupational well-being, and significantly
deepens all the others with the conviction that this Equality Plan should contribute
as an efficient instrument to effective equality of women and men.