A life dedicated
to water
Miroslav Kyncl, the managing director un-
til now, has recently resigned his post at
SmVak after more than 40 years dedicated
to managing water supply and treatment
companies. He will be replaced at the
Czech Company by Anatol Pšenička who
has been working in the sector since 2000
firstly in Veolia, as the deputy general ma-
nager and managing director of several of
its water companies. Pšenička later worked
in Suez where he reported to the General
Directorate in the Czech Republic for Cor-
porate Development.
Myroslav Kyncl’s relationship with the world
of water dates back to his years as an ado-
lescent when he decided to study Chemis-
try at the Chemistry and Technology Univer-
sity in Prague. After graduation, he began
his career in 1962 as a chemist at the Nová
Huť Ostrava metallurgical plant. His curio-
sity for issues relating to nature made him
specialize in inorganic chemistry and water
technology. Afterwards, in 1965 the young
Kyncl started to work in the water com-
Miroslav Kyncl resigns as the manager of SmVak with the unanimous recog-
nition of the sector in the Czech Republic.
Miroslav Kyncl
leaves his job as
managing director of
the Czech subsidiary,
SmVak, after more than
40 years’ experience
and the recognition of
the sector
Anatol Pšenička,
with 15 years’ experience
in the industry in
managerial positions in
Veolia (Czech Republic)
and then Suez,
will replace Kyncl
pany which later became the current limi-
ted company Severomoravské Vodovody a
kanalizace Ostrava a.s.. (SmVaK).
The year 1989, after the fall of the commu-
nist regime, marked a turning point for our
protagonist. Thanks to his experience in
production management, he was appoin-
ted manager of the embryonic company of
SmVak. The challenge, not a simple one,
was to adapt the company to the new ru-
les of the market economy in force in the
The following milestone in Miroslav Kyncl’s
career was in 2006 when the Czech Com-
pany became part of the Aqualia Group
which, at that time was starting its strong
international expansion. “This posed a
great challenge –Kyncl confessed- since
the new situation made it necessary for
SmVaK to develop a policy for collaborating
with a strong and experienced partner”. Af-
ter analyzing the situation, the head of the
company became convinced that it was
necessary to hire well-trained personnel.
As a consequence of this, Kyncl promoted
a cooperation agreement with the Ostrava
Technical University, the entity where he co-
llaborated as a professor for 20 years.
Miroslav Kyncl recently decided to resign
his job as the managing director of SmVaK
“with the idea of relaxing a bit and make
room for the younger generation”. Never-
theless, the Czech company will continue
to count on his experience and knowledge
since he will remain as an important mem-
ber of its Board of Directors. He will spend
the rest of his time immersed in his other
passions: teaching at the university and
e o p l e