Banco de Alimentos has expressed its
gratitude to FCC employees for their
donations during the “Operation Kilo”
campaign which totalled more than 17
tonnes of food and essential products.
The charity sent thank-you letters to the
various regional offices of the Citizen Ser-
vice Group throughout Spain.
The Banco de Alimentos Foundations
ensured that the multiple donations re-
ceived from the different FCC regional
offices will contribute to mitigating the
serious situation of many people, parti-
cularly impoverished due to the long eco-
nomic crisis.
The food and products donated will be
distributed to other charities that provide
aid to people in need through the homes,
“Operación Kilo” organised by Banco de Alimentos
FCC Employees thanked
for their donations
social dining rooms, and other charity
Banco de Alimentos also reminded us
that besides these specific campaigns,
such as “Operation Kilo”, donations are
welcomed throughout the year at their
facilities located nationwide.
cereals, pulses, canned foods, rice, pasta,
nappies, etc.
The donated products were delivered to di-
fferent food banks belonging to the Spanish
Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), which
has fifty centres that are responsible for dis-
tributing food amongst the most vulnerable
families and people in Spain.
The work carried out by FCC volunteers
has been instrumental for the execution of
“Operation Kilo”, given that the collabora-
tors wanted to take part by not only con-
tributing food items, but also by delivering
them to the regional offices of the Banco de
Alimentos in other cities.
The fundamental work carried out by FES-
BAL has been awarded the Prince of Astu-
rias Award for Concord for its active con-
tribution towards the fight against hunger.
FCC, in line with its social commitment,
wanted to support this solidarity initiative
which aims to raise awareness on the shor-
tages in our surroundings and to help those
most in need.
Fundación Pan y Peces expresses its appreciation
A batch of the food donated by FCC employees during
Operación Kilo campaign was delivered to Fundación
Pan y Peces which helps more than 500 families in the
Madrid Autonomous Region giving them a cart full of
basic food.
This foundation also sent a letter thanking all employees
on behalf of the foundation and of the more than the
2,000 people who are aid recipients.