The new structure of FCC Group’s Legal Services
The CEO, at the proposal of the managing
director of the Legal Counsel, with the ap-
proval of the secretary general and the ge-
neral manager of Organization, in order to
optimize resource, align them to the Strate-
gic Plan and business needs, have appro-
ved a new structure for the Legal Counsel
of Central Services and the principles for
providing international legal services which
are applicable to the entire FCC Group.
Structure of the Legal Counsel of Cen-
tral Services
The structure of the Legal Counsel of Cen-
tral Services will be as follows:
Advisory and Litigation Department
Its functions include: legal support for Cen-
tral Services (consultations on law, con-
tracts, and litigation), monitoring divestment
contracts, and support for the Group’s Le-
gal Counsels when necessary.
Mar Sáez Ibeas will be the manager of the
Advisory and Litigation Department.
Financial and Special Projects De-
The functions of this department are: lea-
ding the legal structure of corporate finan-
ce transactions, controlling compliance of
finance agreements, and support for the
Business Group’s Legal Counsels (finance,
Project Finance, issues …). The head of this
department has not been appointed yet.
Coordination and Control Department
Is functions are: coordination of legal issues
with the different unites of Central Services
and the Business Groups, support to the
FCC, S.A. Board and Board of Directors
and of its subsidiaries, handling and mana-
gement of the Group’s powers of attorney,
and, in general, advisory services on corpo-
rate issues, quality control of the in-house
and external Legal Services, control of the
Group’s expenses for external lawyers and
legal management of the brand.
Cristina López Barranco will be the mana-
ger of the Coordination and Control De-
The Corporate Legal Counsel and the Liti-
gation Legal Counsel will ceases to exist.
Litigation will be handled by the Legal
Counsels of the Business Groups; relevant
legal or arbitration processes will be con-
trolled and coordinated by the managing
director of the Group’s Legal Counsel.
The attached Annex 1 on the descriptive
flowchart and the functions of the Group’s
Legal Services.
Organizational and performance prin-
ciples of the international legal servi-
The principles governing the Group’s inter-
national legal counsels are approved with
the objective of minimizing the implicit risk
involved in conducting business abroad.
The fundamentals for the provision of inter-
national legal services are as follow:
International legal counsels will be orga-
nized and structured for each Business
Group in order to align them to their
respective needs. In any case, the stan-
dard principles of the FCC Group will be
Broken down into three phases: bu-
siness development, implementation,
and mature business.
The International Legal Counsel of the
Business Group will provide full support
and will be in charge of assessing the
legal and contract elements (including
the hiring of law firms and supervising
their work) for the international develop-
ment of the business.
The assessment of legal risks and the
analysis thereof will be carried out by
the managers of the Legal Counsels of
the Business Groups and through their
International Legal Counsels. All docu-
ments, regardless of the type or class of
such documents, involving contractual
obligations will be previously checked
by the Legal Counsel and by the Busi-
ness Group.
The Attached Annex 2 provides an outline
of the three business implementation pha-