handball team and now, in charge of RFEBM
of the Objective: Tokyo 2020 Group which
aims to strengthen the Spanish teams for
the forthcoming Olympics. He has designed
a working group comprising 15 players, from
16 to 20 years of age, to monitor their pro-
gress in order to supplement the Guerreras
team in Tokyo 2020.
At FCC, we have always encouraged and
supported social initiatives and that is why
we made it easier for Miguel Ángel and
thank him for the dedication and work that
he carries out with the girls from the handball
teams. He described his relationship with
the company in an interview with the news-
paper El norte de Castilla: “Fortunately, up to
now, FCC has been great and I have always
had the facilities to perform my job and also
be able to attend the competitions”. Even
Cayetano Cifuentes Junquera, the President
of Club Deportivo Balonmano Aula wanted
to thank FCC for all the support and the fa-
cilities it has provided its trainer “to be able
to perform his work as the trainer in our club
thanks to which we have been able to play
in to top national female handball category
which would have been impossible without
his understanding, collaboration and gene-
Miguel Ángel
Peñas made it possible
for an amateur team
to climb to the Honour
e o p l e