o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y
The agreement was signed by Vicente Sán-
chez, secretary general of the Construction
and Services federation of CCOO, and by
Carlos Romero, secretary general of the
Metal, Construction, and Similar federation
of UGT, Industry Federation by the trade
unions while Ana Villacallas, general ma-
nager of Organization, and María Sánchez,
head of Human resources at FCC Cons-
trucción, signed on behalf of FCC.
This new plan, which was signed on Inter-
national Women’s Day, is a continuation of
the plan that was originally signed on 19
November 2008 and will be in force until 31
December 2018. Before this new plan was
designed, the situation was diagnosed and
this made it possible to have a true picture
of the workforce, detect the needs, and de-
fine the improvement objectives.
The execution of this agreement is yet
another wager for effective equality in the
Construction division of the FCC Group
which, for many years, has implemented
a code of principles and ethical values de-
veloped through programs, in-house pro-
cedures, and positive measures aimed at
creating an atmosphere at the workplace
that fosters respect among employees,
equal opportunities for men and women,
and the integration of diversity; concepts
that imply a growing commitment to sus-
tainability and corporate social responsi-
This agreement is in keeping with the ini-
tiatives that are being developed by both
trade unions for promoting measures ai-
med at defending and encouraging equal
treatment and opportunities for men and
women and the elimination of discrimina-
tion based on sex.