FCC organizes arts and crafts courses using
recyclable materials
Become a Friend of the
Prado Museum
In keeping with the corporate principles and
corporate social and environmental respon-
sibility, FCC and the Instituto Nacional de
Formación y Capacitación para el Desarrollo
Humano (INADEH), launched the third arts
and crafts course aimed at the communities
living close to the Valdeza quarry located in
Panama’s La Chorrera district.
The course, which aims to encourage re-
cycling among the community to benefit the
environment, is focused on creating arts and
crafts using recyclable and reusable mate-
Sewing classes
Besides this course, FCC jointly with INA-
DEH have also organized two sewing clas-
ses where students learned how to make
garments and articles for the home.
FCC, in collaboration with Fundación Ami-
gos del Museo del Prado (the Friends of
the Prado Museum Foundation) is making
the Friends of the Museum membership
card available to the staff. The card enables
users to enjoy favourable conditions for vi-
La Valdeza, Panama
FCC reaffirms its commitment in 2015 to the
development of communities by maintaining
and strengthening strategic alliances with
government institutions to benefit the resi-
dents in the areas close to the projects.
siting the collections and exhibits in one of
the world’s best museums.
Among the many benefits, you can obtain
free and preferred tickets for the museum
and to the State Museums attached to and
managed by the Ministry of Culture, receive
tickets for those who accompany you and
participate in training and other activities or-
ganized by the museum.
These favourable conditions are the result
of the close collaboration of FCC since
1997 with the Fundación Amigos del Mu-
seo del Prado.
Being part of this group also implies the sa-
tisfaction of supporting a project that contri-
butes to the conservation, study, and disse-
mination of the rich cultural heritage housed
in the Prado Museum.