12 Months, 12 Themes, 1 Objective
Traffic accidents are one of the major cau-
ses of mortality and serious injuries in the
world and in Spain. According to figures
provided by the Dirección General de Trá-
fico (DGT), there were 89,519 traffic acci-
dents in our country with victims, of which
1,680 died (five deaths per day), 10,086
were hospitalised, and 114,634 suffered
slight injuries.
In 2014, 1,129 people lost their lives in
inter-city roads and, so far this year, we
surpassed that figure and only in the month
Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility Campaign
of February, 167 deaths in inter-city roads
were recorded.
Of the total of work-related traffic acci-
dents, 52,129 had serious consequences
of the victims, 835 (which implies 22% of
the total serious work-related road acci-
dents) and 181 were mortal work-related
traffic accidents (32% of the total of work-
related accidents).
In view of this situation, several branch offi-
ces of FCC Medio Ambiente, led by Lavan-
te II MA and Aragón-La Rioja MA, decided
to develop, among the various activities
that they have been carrying out within the
framework of FCC’s Strategic Road Safety
Plan, to launch an annual campaign entit-
led: Road Safety and Sustainable Mobility
Campaign. 12 Months, 12 Themes, 1 Ob-
Generate the awareness of a company
as a space that promotes health in ge-
neral and, in particular, road safety and
sustainable mobility.
Provide information to employees on
issues related to road safety and sus-
tainable mobility.