Committed to the
our employees
Protecting the safety of people is essential
for the global strategy of our Company and,
accordingly, being awarded the international
OHSAS 18001 certificate marks a milestone
in the history of FCC Group in its quest fo
excellence in people management.
In a year in which FCC Construcción has
consolidated a large part of its international
business in Latin America and the Middle
FCC Construcción obtains the OHSAS certificate for its activities in
Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Chile and Abu Dhabi.
The FCC Construcción
Occupational Safety and
Health Management
System, awarded OHSAS
18001 international
standard certificate in
countries such as Mexico,
Panama, Colombia, Chile,
and Abu Dhabi.
The scope
of this certification
includes construction and
civil works construction
projects and energy and
industrial activities
East, its Occupational Safety and Health
Management System was awarded the in-
ternational standard OHSAS 18001 certifi-
cate in countries such as Mexico, Panama,
Colombia, Chile, and Abu Dhabi. The scope
of this certificate includes the development
of construction, civil works projects and
energy and industrial activities.
The OHSAS 18001certificate ensures the
ongoing improvement of the safety and
health management system by: contribu-
ting to reducing occupational accidents;
increasing productivity; strictly complying
with occupational hazard prevention regula-
tions; and encouraging a preventive culture
through the transversal integration of the
corporate prevention management system.
Once again, the commitment and talent of
our Company’s human team has made it
possible to make great strides in consolida-
ting the business internationally, becoming
fully involved in implementing the mandatory
standards to bolster our international pre-
sence, such as the OHSAS 18001 standard.
W e l l - b e i n g