The colleagues at the Segovia regional
office of the Environment Division of Cas-
tile-León, have taken an interesting cour-
se on fire-fighting which took place at the
firemen’s park of the city of Segovia’s Fire
Extinction Department. The training course
will help them resolve real problems that
may arise at their workplace in the event of
fire and, most importantly, how to prevent
them. The simulation also enabled them to
learn how fire evolves, how it behaves, and
the measures that should be taken.
The first part of the training course focu-
sed on how fires evolve and their physical
and chemical characteristics; the different
methods and extinction agents available;
the types of combustion products, their
risks and protective measures; the various
types of hazardous materials at work and
the prevention and protection against fires
in cargo trucks.
In the second part of the course, the stu-
dents were able to perform rescue opera-
tions; use different types of portable and
mobile fire extinguishers; how to handle the
different types of water equipment and how
to control spills and leaks of hazardous ma-
terials; and the appropriate means for extin-
guishing fires.