Welfare for the environment and animals
The new Vienna „TierQuarTier” located in
the 22nd district of Vienna opens its gates
on March 10th. Around 450 dogs, cats and
small animals will find a temporary home
there. One third of the construction costs
are raised from the City of Vienna through
donations. One of the donors is .A.S.A.
Abfall Service AG. On the occasion of the
opening, .A.S.A. handed over a cheque of
5.000 € to the Viennese councillor for the
environment and animal welfare Ulli Sima.
„It’s not a coincidence that in Vienna the
protection of animals and environment is
consolidated. For a living social responsibi-
lity, also aspects of environment and sus-
tainable thinking should be part as well as
Maga Ulli Sima (Vienna’s councillor for the environment and animal welfare), Dr. Bertrand Laub (.A.S.A.
Abfall Service AG).
.A.S.A. Abfall
Service AG supports the
new „TierQuarTier” from
the City of Vienna
Donation for
the start of
the „TierQuarTier”
on the occasion of the
opening on March 10th
the principle of welfare of human being and
animals”, says Dr. Laub from .A.S.A. Abfall
Service AG. The .A.S.A. Abfall Service AG
and the City of Vienna have been sharing
a reliable and cooperative partnership for
20 years in the fields of waste management
and disposal.
The „TierQuarTier” in Vienna is one of the
state-of-the-art animal protection compe-
tence centres in Europe and corresponds
to its high requirements of a contemporary
animal care. The area of total 9.700 m² gi-
ves a temporary home to more than 150
abandoned, exposed and run away dogs,
about 300 cats and hundreds of small ani-
mals like hamsters, guinea pigs or rabbits.