The scope of the contest is international
since, besides Spain, the contest is open
for children from Portugal, Italy and the
Czech Republic where FCC Aqualia mana-
ges the end-to-end water cycle in several
towns and territories.
Thirteen years committed to education
The international children’s contest has
been disseminating knowledge of the com-
prehensive water cycle during the past thir-
teen years, showing them that by simple
day-to-day gestures, they can contribute to
a more efficient use of this natural resource.
The initiative involves children, schools, pro-
fessors, the media, cities and towns, and
public administrations who disseminate the
message of environmental commitment
which, even though focused mainly on the
young public, reaches the entire popula-
tion. “It is our contribution for training and
building awareness in the community in ge-
neral, and specially in children, in the good
us and care of water”, Juan Merino, mana-
ger of FCC Aqualia’s Communication and
Marketing Department, said. After thirteen
editions, this initiative is well known since
more than 350,000 children and 10,000
schools have participated”, Merino added.
Children can go to
vida.es and create their ideal composition.
The deadline for presenting their work is
15 May. The names of the winners will be
announced on 5 June, the International En-
vironment Day, in all FCC Aqualia offices,
in its website
www.aqualia.esand in the
contest’s microsite.
The awards include 10 individual prizes, a
tablet for each winner; 300 prizes for the
runner-ups, each of which is the educatio-
nal game “My first orchard”, and a prize of
1,000 euros for educational material that
will be given to the school that presented
the winning work made by all the children
in their classes.
The contest aims
to build awareness on the
efficient use of water
o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y