ty, and a sense of humor. He ended his
speech by describing the new organization
of FCC’s Legal Services.
Luis Galindo, managing partner of the law
firm Galindo & Asociados, closed the first
day of the seminar with his speech entitled
“Enthusiasm makes the difference” and im-
pressed the audience with his reflection on
enthusiasm, optimism and hope.
The events of the following day took place
at the Las Tablas headquarters. The pre-
sentation, made by Alberto Alonso and Gui-
llermo Guerra, partners of the legal law firm
Baker & McKenzie, was entitled “Remarks
on the Law of Capital Companies”. After a
brief pause for the coffee break, Federico
Briano, a partner at Linklaters, highlighted
the process involved in issuing a prospec-
tus. Lastly, Juan Fernández-Armesto and
David Arias, arbitration experts closed the
seminar with an interesting debate.
Federico Briano, partner at Linklaters.
Juan Fernández-Armesto (left) and David Arias (right), arbitration experts,
after their speech, accompanied by José Cerro.
Felipe Bernabé García, secretary general of FCC, gave the opening
José Cerro, managing director of FCC’s Legal Counsel, during his speech.
Guillermo Guerra and Alberto Alonso (on the left and right, respectively), part-
ners at Baker & McKenzie, with José Cerro and Felipe Bernabé.
Juan Béjar, vice-chairman and CEO of FCC, during his presentation.
Lastly, Juan Béjar, vice-chairman and CEO
of FCC, made a presentation on the evolu-
tion of the Citizen Services Group over the
past few years and the transformation that
has taken place during this time. He descri-
bed, at the end, “the new FCC that we are
building”, emphasizing the new equity and
financial structure, the development vectors
in the different businesses, the corporate
culture, and the Group’s historical values
as well as the transformation leverages for
facing the future.
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