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Training workshops for local


in Salamanca and Burgos

The Asociación de Periodistas de Informa-

ción Ambiental (Association of Environmen-

tal Information Journalists, APIA Spanish

acronym) in collaboration with FCC Aqua-

lia, proposes guidelines for informing on the

environment and water management.

Representatives from the mass media in

Salamanca, members of APIA, and a group

of Communication Sciences students from

the University of Salamanca participated in

the first session of the Environmental Infor-

mation Workshop for local journalists.

The workshop was opened by Fernando

Martínez, the dean of the Communications

faculty; Elena Martín, chairwoman of Aso-

ciación Salmantina de Periodistas (ASPE);

Clara Navío, chairman of APIA; and Ángel

Capellán, manager of FCC Aqualia in Sa-

lamanca who applauded the initiative and

highlighted the company’s commitment

to training and information “to achieve the

greatest transparency” in the sector. Cape-

llán also thanked the facilities provided by

the local City Council, who owns the water

services and the facilities, which collabora-

ted with the company in the organization

and development of the workshop.

The sessions held during the morning co-

vered topics such as the contents and

supports of environmental journalism, the

relationship with information sources on en-

vironment related issues, and the method

for reporting different issues when one is

not a specialist. In this respect, Juan Pablo

Merino, head of FCC Aqualia’s Corporate

Communications and Marketing, descri-

bed the peculiarities of information in the

water sector and, what he believes, are the

main ideas that a local journalist must un-

derstand in order to provide information of

water management: water is a basic public

good which must be managed by a specia-

lised company with the maximum transpa-

rency. On the company’s relationship with

the media, Juan Pablo underscored “the

importance of mutual trust” and the need

to check information “so as not to generate

alarm on an issue as sensitive as water ma-

nagement as a public service”.

Besides the sessions, the journalists had

the opportunity of visiting the El Marín was-

tewater treatment plant and the potable

The journalists

also visited several plants

to learn about water

management in detail

Santiago Lafuente, manager of Zone I, at the opening session of the workshop with Mar González, chairwoman of the Press Association of Burgos;

Juan Antonio de Miguel, manager of Aguas de Burgos; and Clara Navío, chairwoman of APIA: