FCC’s industrial waste division invited to the
workshop on soil
decontamination technologies
The Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) organised
a workshop on soil decontamination tech-
nologies where companies from all parts of
the world, experts in this industry, participa-
ted, including FCC Ámbito, FCC’s subsidiary
specialising in industrial waste treatment and
management. The objective of this seminar
was to exchange information between KOC
and the companies on the technologies
available and market capabilities for resol-
ving the problems of the environmental da-
mages resulting from the invasion of Kuwait
by Iraq during the 1991 Gulf War.
Organised by the Kuwait Oil Company
The enormous amounts of crude
oil, spilled as a consequence of the
destruction of more than 700 wells
in the oil fields of Kuwait, created
114 km
of oil lakes. It is estimated
that there are about 26 m
of sand
which were contaminated by the
oil spill which should be recovered
by means of specific treatment
Several Mexican authorities attended the
awards ceremony, including the Secretary
of Communications and Transport, Ge-
rardo Ruiz Esparza; the Under-Secretary
of Infrastructure of the SCT, Raul Murrieta
Cummings; the President of the Mexican
Chamber of Construction Industry (CMIC),
Gustavo Arballo; the former President
of the Chamber, Luis Zárate Roche; the
President of the College of Civil Engineers
of Mexico, Víctor Ortíz Ensástegui; Euge-
nia Hernández de Lieberman (widow of
Leopoldo Lieberman, Eng.); the Chairman
of the Board of Directors of ICA, Bernardo
Quintana Isaac; Gilberto Borja Suárez (son
of the engineer Gilberto Borja Navarrete
who gives his name to the viaduct).
Attending on behalf of FCC were: Eugenio
del Barrio Gómez, Head of Business De-
velopment in Latin America; Enrique Díaz
Valdés, Country Manager at FCC Cons-
trucción Mexico; David Arribas Mazarracín,
Head of Department of Bridges 1 (Struc-
tures) of FCC Technical Services; Rafael
Carrasco Ruiz de la Fuente, Head of Tech-
nical Services of FCC Construcción Mexi-
co; and Daniel Carmona Campos, Head of
Construction Division at FCC Mexico.
Guests at the award
KOC, through the Kuwait Environmental
Remediation Program (KERP) is organizing
forthcoming tender offers for the execution
of the measures required to try to tackle the
challenge of treating from 8 to 12 million
of contaminated sand before the end of
2020 with funding from the United Nations.
To achieve this, it plans to hire companies
with proven technical expertise, such as
FCC Ámbito, that apply the most reliable
technologies available that can be adapted
to the tough conditions of working in the de-
authorities and FCC representatives, as
well Gilberto Borja Suárez, son of Gilber-
to Borja Navarrete after whom the pro-
ject was named. David Arribas, head of
the Bridges 1 (Structures) area of FCC’s
Technical Services, explained in his pre-
sentation the engineering project and
the development of the bridge which
was built entirely by FCC Construcción’s
Technical Services.
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