FCC takes part in the international conference
for Infraportos South America, held in Brazil
The last caisson of the seawall works at the
Port of Açu in Brazil is anchored
The largest event in the Latin American port
sector, Infraportos, took place in Sao Paulo
(Brazil) between 7 and 9 April and was at-
tended by and had participation from FCC
FCC participated in this international confe-
rence which brings together professionals
from the port infrastructure sector, by set-
ting up a stand and giving a talk on the Port
of Açu. The talk was presented by Antonio
Piqueras, Açu project manager, and Fran-
cisco Esteban Lefler, Director of Innovation
and Technology at FCC Construcción.
The aim of Infraportos is to facilitate com-
munication between ports, terminals and
port operators with manufacturers of equi-
pment and technology at a time when the
port infrastructure sector is experiencing a
notable economic increase, driven by the
need to boost productivity, efficiency and
competitiveness of the country’s ports.
FCC Construcción, solidly positioned in the
region with large-scale projects such as the
Port of Açu in Brazil or the Port of Callao in
Peru, has boosted this major event aimed
at developing the port sector by sharing ex-
perience in an area where FCC is conside-
red as one of the leading companies.
With a significant announcement for natio-
nal infrastructure and development, the Fe-
deral Government promised an investment
The construction works of the mixed-use
TX1 terminal at the Port of Açu continue to
make good progress and are approaching
the final stages.
boom in the port sector. It announced in-
vestments of R$ 54.2 billion (€ 16.6 billion)
until 2017, and according to the document
from the Special Secretariat of Ports, the
new investments will be used for leases and
private-use terminals (TUP), with R$ 31 bi-
llion (€ 9.5 billion) staggered between 2014
and 2015 and R$ 23.2 billion (€ 7.2 billion)
between 2016 and 2017.
The last caisson of the main seawall align-
ment, number 38, was anchored on Satur-
day 14 March. There are only 3 caissons
left to be anchored, corresponding to one
of the 3 inner berths. To date, 44 caissons
out of a total of 47 have been anchored.