One of the highlights of the cleaning
campaign was the tons of algae collec-
ted in the beaches of Alicante. Com-
mitted to the cleanliness of the coastal
areas, the company collected between
6 and 8 tons of algae daily in order to
prevent it from reaching the beaches.
On an annual basis, this adds up to a
total of 847 tons of algae collected in
the Alicante shores.
FCC removes
847 of algae
in Alicante
beaches, including San Juan, Albufereta
beach, and Postiguet; 5 coves and some
bathing areas such as the Isle of Tabarca
and in San Gabriel.
In Gandía, general cleaning operations are
performed in the north beaches, L´ahuir, Ve-
necia and Rafalcaíd.
In Guipúzcoa, it includes 3 breaches and
3 sandbanks, including Concha Bay in San
Sebastian where La Concha and Ondarreta
beaches are situated.
In the Balearic Islands, FCC performs this
service in 321 beaches and coves, 92 of
these in Palma de Mallorca, 109 in Menor-
ca, 92 in Ibiza, and 28 in Formentera.
Mostly plastic and organic material plus al-
gae are collected in the areas where there
is high population density. Large amounts
of fishing-related material and wood are co-
llected from the harbour areas.
u s i n e s s