Communication Network - Nº25 - page 10

José Blandón, mayor of Panama City, José
Antonio Vera, chairman of the news agency
EFE, José María Torroja, manager of FCC
Construction in Latin America, and Manuel
Olivares Blázquez, chairman of FCC Cons-
truction in Central America, were in charge
of inaugurating the photo exhibit entitled
“EFE, 75 years in photos. 25 years building
Latin America, in Panama’s capital. The
Spanish ambassador in Panama, Jesús Sil-
va Fernández, and Jorge Luis Quijano, the
Administrator of the Panama Canal Authority
were also among the personalities present at
this event.
The exhibit included a selection of 75 images
from the more than 17million photos of the
public agency’s graphic archive.
FCC and EFE take the
“Efe, 75 years in
photos. 25 years building Latin
photo exhibit to Panama
The photographs capture moments of great
impact in several parts of the world, expe-
riences that have changed the lives of thou-
sands of people since EFE took its first pho-
to, and also includes photos of civil works
that have been built in various Latin Ameri-
can countries.
The graphic section includes photos taken
in the last century in Latin America, including
photographs of landmark projects such as
the Aztec Stadium in Mexico, Panama’s me-
tro system, the Puebla motorway in Mexico,
and the work for enlarging the Panama Ca-
José Antonio Vera, chairman of EFE Agency
thanked FCC for its participation in the ex-
hibit and highlighted the fact that several of
the photographs capture projects of great
repercussions that have contributed to the
economic development of the countries in
this region. The exhibit was also inaugurated
in Costa Rica and in the coming months will
travel to other Latin American countries such
as Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico.
75 images
selected among the
more than 17 million
photographs in EFE’s
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...97
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