Communication Network- Nº24 - page 17

The “Determination
and courage”
of Esther Koplowitz
During her presentation, the chairman of
FCC praised the dedication and com-
mitment of her mother, Esther Koplowitz,
the Group’s majority shareholder.
h e g r o u p
As to the outlook for this year, he spoke
controlling debt, increasing EBITDA and
revenue by 20% and 5%, respectively, and
on completing the 500 million divestment
He concluded his presentation on “loo-
king towards the near future” by mentio-
ning the four growth drivers: “the capacity
to invest in projects that increase EBITDA;
a management model aimed at achieving
results; a global management team that is
responsible and committed to results; and
an emphasis on international growth in the
Environment and Water business units”.
Juan Béjar,
Vice-Chairman and CEO,
announced that the
adjustment and writedown
phase is complete
and emphasised
the international expansion
of the Medio Ambiente and
Water business units
Other items on the agenda included the
ratification of the re-appointment of Rafael
Montes and Alicia Alcocer as proprietary
directors and of Gonzalo Rodríguez Mouru-
llo, Gustavo Villapalos and Olivier Orsini as
independent directors.
Report from the Vice-Chairman
and CEO
Link to the report by
the vice-chairman and CEO
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