Communication Network- Nº24 - page 7

A place where
we all come together.
Where all business areas
converge in a single
To manage your team: Management
systems, budgets, reports, timeta-
ble of my team, follow-up requests,
overall approvals…
Through the FCC Areas, you can
The space of the various FCC divi-
sions: Infrastructures, Environmen-
tal Services, Water, Central Servi-
Where each area can develop its
own intranet according to its ne-
eds, maintaining the same user
experience and sharing across-the-
board services such as the univer-
sal search engine which makes it
possible to find contents from diffe-
rent sources such as: News, Docu-
ments, Images and videos, People,
Communities, and SharePoint Sites.
From the Personal Area you can ac-
Your processes:
My tasks, My
requests, My notifications…
Yor profile:
My data, My applica-
Concentrates all the Tasks and Re-
quests that each user can have indi-
vidually, either those relating to ONE
as well as other systems such as In-
tegra and Incorpora.
The objective is for all systems to
reflect the user’s tasks as reflected
in ONE thereby avoiding a flow of
emails on information in connection
with the tasks or on the status of the
user’s requests.
h e g r o u p
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