Communication Network- Nº24 - page 10

equal opportunities
in companies
and institutions
FCC signs the
Diversity Charter
FCC Group has signed and joined the
Charter for Diversity in Spain, an initiative
by which the company reinforces its com-
mitment to the fundamental principles of
equality, non-discrimination at work, sup-
port for diversity, and respect for the diver-
sity of people, clear guidelines embedded
in our DNA and which we are constantly
Incorporating measures in favour of diver-
sity and equality in our CSR agenda is a
constant effort. In this respect, FCC’s Cor-
porate Responsibility 2012-2014 Master
Plan, approved by the Group’s Board of Di-
rectors, includes, among the various priority
CSR programs in the area of CSR, two pro-
grams the objective of which are: support
for the integration of groups with special
needs; professional and personal develop-
ment of everyone who is part of FCC; and
the implementation of measures to promo-
te equality, plurality, and in-house diversity.
Both programs involve many specific pro-
jects many of which have already been im-
plemented. These include: the approval of
the FCC Equality and Diversity Policy; the
renewal of equality plans with new propo-
sals; the approval of the Protocol for the
Prevention of Harassment at Work and Se-
xual Harassment; adherence to the Princi-
ples for the Empowerment of Women; the
United Nations Global Pact; the Develop-
ment Program for Pre-management Wo-
men; or the launch of several campaigns
and signing of agreements with third par-
ties to build awareness and to change the
internal culture of FCC in this respect, etc.
By signing
the charter, we take yet
another step towards
corporate excellence
and corporate social
of Commitment
The European Commission through
the Justice Department, in developing
its policy against discrimination, has
promoted the creation of the Diversity
Charter to improve corporate efficiency
and social sustainability within the fra-
mework of respect for current internal
law on equality and non-discrimination.
Fundación Diversidad, an initiative
sponsored by Fundación Alares, is in
charge of granting this seal in Spain to
those who are voluntarily committed to
support and disseminate the principles
of diversity inclusion and non-discrimi-
nation at the workplace.
The efforts made have been acknowledged
by the Government of Spain which granted
the Equality Seal and also by the analysts
of international sustainability indexes such
as the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes.
Women currently account for 21.6% of the
Company’s global workforce and their lea-
dership is evident in FCC where five women
are members of the Board of Directors.
As a signatory company, FCC agrees to
comply with the Decalogue of Principles
and to report on its commitment with these
Promote work life balance.
Create awareness on the principles
of equal opportunities and respect or
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