Communication Network - Nº22 - page 42

FCC Aqualia
collaborates in the creation
of social-sports school to encourage integration
Thanks to the collaboration agreement,
Mazarrón will have a social-sports school
to be developed jointly with the city’s local
authorities to encourage learning values
through sports and a healthy use of leisure
time. This initiative is aimed at 50 children
who are at risk of social exclusion who will
be able to play sports with other children
without this problem to ensure their integra-
tion and equal opportunities.
Juan Luis Castilla, director of FCC Aqualia’s
Zone II regional office signed the agreement
with the foundation in a ceremony which
was attended by Emilio Butragueño and
Enrique Sánchez on behalf of the Real Ma-
drid Foundation, and the mayor and sports
councillor of Mazarrón’s city council.
Juan Luis Castillo thanked the city council
of Mazarrón for the opportunity given to the
company to collaborate in this great initia-
A moment during the agreement signing ceremony. From left to right,, Juan Luis Castillo, director of
FCC Aqualia’s Zone II regional office; Ginés Campillo, the mayor of Mazarrón, and Enrique Sánchez,
vice-chairman of the Real Madrid Foundation.
Emilio Butragueño and Juan Luis Castillo during the signing ceremony.
In Mazarrón (Murcia)
tive and, personally added that “this event
has a special flavour for me and compensa-
tes the difficulty of being from Cataluña and
a fan of Real Madrid”.
Emilio Butragueño, former soccer player
and director of Institutional Relations of Real
Madrid explained that the girls and boys
“will enjoy soccer, learn sports and social
values that will help contribute to their team
work on a day to day basis, motivate them
and inculcate the values of solidarity, so im-
portant for being a better person which is,
in short, exactly what we are striving for”.
FCC Aqualia entered
into a collaboration
agreement with the Real
Madrid Foundation
to promote
the integration of children
at risk of social exclusion.
Learning through sports
and spending leisure time
in a healthy manner are
the starting points of the
project which is to be
developed in collaboration
with the city council.
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