Communication Network - Nº22 - page 45

e l l - b e i n g
tatives of the media, took place at the
company’s offices in Murcia. “FCC Aqualia
stands out in the Region of Murcia thanks
to its work in safety and health at work,
which has become its distinguishing mark.
From this department, we want to publicly
recognise its efforts and professionalism of
its workers and management”, Sánchez
said during the event.
The Government of Aragón also publicly re-
cognised FCC Aqualia’s good management
of the prevention of hazards and health at
the work place in the services which the
company manages in Aragón, specifically,
Depurteruel. The implementation of this
preventive management as contemplated
in the contract with Depurteruel and, in
general, in all of its facilities in Aragón, has
contributed to reducing the number of sick-
leave related incidents by more than 50%
from 2009 to 2012.
No incidents resulting in sick leave have
been recorded in the Depurteruel contract
over the past 5 years. The success of this
zero index, deserving the award, is due to
the good management and common efforts
of the 17 Depurteruel workers. In addition,
the company has implemented accident-
related preventive measures, policies, and
practices, training and research.
The director of FCC Aqualia’s Zone II dele-
gation, Juan Luis Castillo, stressed “the im-
portant work that the company has carried
out in implementing novel and efficient pre-
vention systems that significantly improve
safety and health conditions at work”.
The Councillor of Education, Universities and Employment, Antonio Sánchez, gave the award to Miguel Calatayud, director of FCC Aqualia’s regional office
in the Levante region.
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