Communication Network - Nº22 - page 52

at the 5th Congress on the Prevention
of Occupational Hazards in the Public Administration
The 5th Congress on the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards in the Public Admi-
nistration, held on 3 and 4 December in
Valladolid, gathered an import5ant group
of experts and included the participation
of the Public State Administration and va-
rious authorities from different departments
of the Junta de Castilla and León (Castile
and León regional government, Treasury,
Health, General Department of Labour and
Occupational Hazards, and Work Inspec-
tion and Social Security).
The most relevant and current safety and
health issues were discussed during the
two days of the seminar. The blocks dis-
cussed focused on updating various tech-
nical and medical aspects, particularly in
respect to biological hazards, non-ionising
radiation, and an interesting presentation
on the voice as a work tool; plus other is-
sues related to mobility, road safety and tra-
ffic accidents, predictive and personalised
medicine, and healthy habits.
FCC was in charge of the closing conferen-
ce with the speech by Carlos Sáez de Rus,
director of Safety, Health, and Welfare at
Work, with the title “Opportunities for safety
and health at work in times of crisis” where
he discussed, based on the current politi-
cal, social, economic, and job situation, the
need to focus company’s actions towards
the healthy company concept which, be-
sides improving the quality of life of those
working at the company is vital for their
productivity, competitiveness, and sustai-
No company
can be better or
worse than the people
who comprise it
Professor lshikawa
In times of change, learners inherit the earth; while
the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with
a world that no longer exists
Eric Hoffer – American writer and philosopher
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