Communication Network - Nº22 - page 51

and psycho-social, focusing mainly on the
following aspects:
Improving the job’s organizational
method. For example, allowing more
flexibility in the working day, encou-
raging teleworking, offering perma-
nent learning opportunities, job di-
Improving the work surroundings.
Encouraging support among collea-
gues, improving psycho-social con-
ditions, offering healthy food at the
company’s cafeteria.
Facilitating the involvement of wor-
kers in healthy activities, encoura-
ging physical activities by organising
sports and other activities.
Promoting personal development,
offering training courses to fight
stress or to stop smoking, encoura-
ging healthy work habits, particularly
good posture.
Offering the resources for taking care
and monitoring health; vaccination
campaigns, giving the worker the
possibility of having periodical me-
dical checkups to learn about their
health conditions.
Monitoring health is particularly important
since the company offers us this possibility
by being able to have medical checkups,
of detecting the impact of the job on our
health, making early diagnoses and pre-
venting pathologies that could appear re-
peatedly in a specific group of workers.
Moreover, these health controls enable the
Health requires
the active commitment
of the company and its
detection of hazardous occupational situa-
tions thereby making it possible to adopt
corrective measures to prevent them.
By analysing this information, it is possible
to know the actual situation of the workers
at each company in order to define indivi-
dualised and specific action strategies to
address the problem detected and con-
tribute to creating a healthy work environ-
We can also detect alterations not related
with the job surroundings which are due to
acquired cultural habits, such as smoking,
drinking alcohol, unhealthy diet, which can
also cause preventable diseases that must
be controlled to improve the worker’s ove-
rall health.
This information can also make it possible
to define the programs that are more ne-
cessary to try to change these habits.
Promoting Health, in short, requires an ac-
tive commitment of both parties: the com-
pany, by offering healthy work conditions,
and workers, by being actively involved in
health promotion programs.
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