Communication Network - Nº22 - page 49

The blood donation campaigns of the Ma-
drid Autonomous Community and the Spa-
nish Red Cross were carried out last Nov-
ember at FCC’s headquarters in Federico
Salmón and Las Tablas, respectively.
A total of 106 FCC employees, showing
their solidarity, donated blood at the trans-
fusion and blood donation centres, making
a valuable contribution.
When people lose a great amount of blood
due to an accident, an operation, or a health
problem, they may need a blood transfu-
sion. Blood cannot be manufactured, at
present and, therefore, it is necessary to
obtain blood from another person, a blood
donor. To ensure that blood is available at
all times, it is necessary that a sufficient
number of healthy people donate blood on
a regular basis.
From each blood donation, three compo-
nents can be obtained which can help ac-
cording to the different needs:
For further information,
See pdf
mainly for sick people un-
dergoing chemotherapy.
for major bleeding and those
who have suffered burns.
Concentrated red blood corpus-
congenital and chronic anaemia,
leukaemia, transplants, and acci-
blood is altruistic,
and responsible
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