Communication Network - Nº22 - page 39

s o c i a l
r e s p on s i b i l i t y
formance policies which also include its
Neighbours such as Amade Hernández,
one of the spokespersons of the La Val-
deza community, say that things were not
easy at first. “I was never of the opinion that
the quarry had to go since this is a large
company and the community is small and I
always thought that the company could be
a way of resolving the problems and, now
that I see the results, I fell happy”, she said.
Mrs. Hernández said that “FCC was aware
that the work activity was generating pro-
blems in the community and, accordingly, it
made efforts to control any type of situation
that could affect it and to mitigate any pos-
sible impacts”.
In keeping with its commitment to sustaina-
ble development, FCC promotes activities
promote, among among the workers and
those who live in the area on the need for
environmental awareness.
FCC has carried out various programs fo-
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