Communication Network - Nº22 - page 29

participates in the
EU’s LIFE Zero
impact environmental project
FCC Construcción is involved in the LIFE
IMPACT ZERO project for the development
and demonstration of the efficacy of an
anti-collision screen for birds on high speed
lines (HSL), a European Union funded pro-
gram as part of the LIFE+ financial instru-
ments which co-finances programs in the
field of nature conservation, governance,
environmental policies and environmental
communication and information.
The presentation of LIFE IMPACT ZERO
was held in Madrid in mid-November in
a meeting with all participants, where the
first activities where the first initiatives were
launched. The key objectives of this 4-year
project are to:
Develop a proposed methodology for
the determination of optimum mea-
sures for protecting birds in new High
Speed Lines.
Demonstrate the effectiveness of a
new HSL design which includes pro-
tection measures for birds. This design
is based on the concept of equally
spaced tubular screens (PTE).
Improve knowledge about the inte-
raction between railway infrastructure
and birds, with the aim of safeguarding
Reduce the impact of existing and
proposed HSL in the project area and
on established bird populations in pro-
tected areas.
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