Communication Network - Nº22 - page 22

The Chairman of EBRD
visits the
Las Tablas headquarters
Sir Suma Chakrabarti, chairman of the Eu-
ropean Bank for Reconstruction and Deve-
lopment (EBRD) toured FCC’s headquarters
in Las Tablas (Madrid). Those present at this
event included: the vice-chairman and CEO
of FCC, Juan Béjar; Eduardo González, CEO
of FCC Aqualia; Félix Parra, managing direc-
tor; Luis de Lope, International director; and
Mark Muller, manager of FCC Aqualia New
Europe. Juan Béjar informed the chairman
of EBRD on the new milestones achieved re-
cently by FCC, particularly the conclusion of
its financing, the entry of new shareholders,
and the new contracts that have been re-
cently awarded.
FCC’s recent milestones, FCC Aqualia’s com-
mitment to international expansion and its
growth strategy in other regions where EBRD
operates, were among the key issues discus-
sed in this meeting.
The chairman of EBRD expressed the po-
sitive opinion of the bank’s relationship with
FCC Aqualia New Europe and the company’s
participation in the construction and manage-
On the image, from left to right: the representatives of FCC Aqualia: Luis de Lope, international director; Eduardo Gonzalez, CEO, Mark Muller, manager
of FCC Aqualia New Europe; and, Félix Parra, managing director, with Sir Suma Chakrabarti, chairman of the EBRD; Juan Béjar, CEO of FCC and Susan
Goeransson, senior banker at EBRD in FCC Aqualia New Europe.
The European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD) was founded 1990 with
the objective of facilitating the transition into
a market economy and of promoting private
initiative in former East European communist
ment of the New Cairo waste water treatment
plant in Egypt.
The CEO of FCC talked about the company’s
commitment to growth in the water business
and its international expansion.
Sir Suma Chakrabarti mentioned the entity’s
satisfaction on being able to participate in the
project that FCC Aqualia and the local Egyp-
tian company, Orascom Construction Indus-
tries (OCI) are currently executing in Egypt’s
FCC Aqualia’s representatives described the
Company’s growth strategy in other regions
where the EBRD also operates. Specifically,
they mentioned the projects that are currently
being executed in the Balkans where FCC
Aqualia New Europe, jointly with FCC Aqua-
lia, are participating in the tender process for
a water management contract in Macedonia,
in addition to the joint venture with Raja, the
main regional Romanian operator, and lastly,
they analysed the possible target countries
for the medium term, particularly Russia.
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