Communication Network - Nº22 - page 26

Participating in forums...
Instituto Aragonés del Agua (theWater Institute
of Aragón) and FCCAqualia analyse water ma-
nagement challenges in a seminar held at the
regional Bajo Cinca headquarters. Under the
slogan “Water flows into homes...but where?
the analysed the various proposals currently
being considered to improve the potable water
supply systems in urban centres.
The mayor of Fraga, Santiago Escándil, the
chairman of the Cinca Region, Francisco Gar-
cía, and the director of Instituto Aragonés del
Agua, Alfredo Cajal, were in charge of inaugu-
rating this event. Jointly with the representative
of the Government of Aragón in Huesca, José
Luis Moret, they discussed the efforts made by
FCC Aqualia in Fraga to revamp an obsolete
water supply network. Óscar Lare, the FCC
Aqualia representative in Aragón, described
the work carried out by the company to impro-
ve water supply, where, in the last five years,
water performance improved from 49 to 81%.
“Water and Economy” debate at the Te-
chnical ASAC Seminar.
The Asociación de Servicios de Agua en Cata-
luña (Water Services Association of Cataluña,
ASAC, Spanish acronym) celebrated its 10th
Technical Seminar at the Congress Palace in
Tarragona. FCC Aqualia took part in this deba-
te, participating in the “Water and Economy”
debate: the effects of the water tariff, late pa-
yments, and social policies in services”. Juan
Luis Castillo, the director of FCC Aqualia’s
Zone II regional offices, spoke on consump-
tion reduction in the services that the company
manages in Cataluña, and the impact of the
water fee on invoices. “This impact”, he men-
tioned in one of his speeches, “ also has an
effect on our customers’ payments and there-
fore, the collaboration of companies with ad-
ministrations is necessary for managing social
policies on providing services to citizens who
face the risk of exclusion.
Mariano Blanco, manager of FCC Aqualia’s International Clients, second on the left, described the
company’s international expertise.
The “Water arrives at the house” seminar was held at the
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