Communication Network - Nº22 - page 36

Half Triathlon
Steve Bell, Development Manager at FCC
Environment, took part in the Henly Half
Triathlon which involved swimming 1,900
metres, cycling 90 kilometres, and running
a 21-kilometre half marathon.
The funds raised will be split between two
charities which the company works with
as part of the household waste recycling
centre contracts with Buckinghamshire and
Hertfordshire County Councils.
Sue Ryder, the charity that provides care
to people living with end of life and long-
term conditions, runs a reuse shop at the
Harpeden centre in Hertfordshire and the
South Bucks Hospice, a hospice for cancer
sufferers, and is in charge of the two re-use
shops in HighHeavens and Aston Clinton in
Buckinghamshire County.
“Coffee Morning”
raises funds for Macmillan Cancer Support
As part of the Macmillan Cancer Support
“Coffee Morning” campaign, Christine Hunt
organised a cake sale at the sales office in
Doncaster, United Kingdom. The funds rai-
sed were given to this charity which is provi-
des care to cancer patients.
From the Communications Network, we
want to thank Cassie Beedle, Sandra Blake-
ley, Sarah Bond, Wendy Cunningham, Jan
Ducker, Vicky Hird, Nicola Judge, Jackie
Morrison, Mel Robinson, Mandy Webb,
Amanda Welsh and Jane Widdison for their
involvement in this project and for baking the
cakes for this charity campaign.
20 million
Coffee Morning is organised throug-
hout the United Kingdom. At this
breakfast event, people make their
donations for a cup of coffee and
cake. Thanks to this initiative, over
20 million pounds were raised in
2013 throughout the United King-
See campaign
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