Communication Network - Nº22 - page 33

Dolores Limón Tamés, director of the National Institute of Safety and Health
at Work gave the prize to Otoniel Santana, a Prevention technician at the
Canary Islands Environment branch office.
Rafael Martínez Mesas, deputy director General of Work Inspection and So-
cial Security gave the prize to Alan Cork, head of safety and health and FCC
Environment’s south zone regional office.
Francisco Martín Monteagudo, manager of Human Resources gave the
prize to Francisco Javier Suárez, head of the Trainasa sewerage De-
partment of FCC Aqualia.
María del Mar Alarcón Castellanos, general director of Work and Manager
of the Regional Department of Safety and Health of the Madrid Com-
munity gave the prize to Ángel Sánchez, in charge of maintenance and
conservation of all of FCC’s corporate buildings.
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