Communication Network - Nº22 - page 25

sells 51% of its energy division
to Plenium Partners
FCC completes the second phase
of Vía Brasil corridor
FCC, the Citizen Services Group, has fulfilled
another of the objectives of its Strategic Plan as
the year ends: it has sold 51% of the company
that owns its renewable energy assets to Ple-
nium Partners. The agreement between FCC
and the buyer includes compensation clauses
in connection with the future share performan-
ce of the Energy business so that FCC may
obtain remuneration in addition to the 49%
shareholding that it will retain following the sale.
Read the entire news:
Vía Brasil Corridor II was officially inaugurated on 29 Novem-
ber and will benefit the more than 1.2 million Panamanians
who use the Ricardo J. Alfaro and Simón Bolívar roads
every day. The first part of this project was inaugurated last
The Paical-Simón Bolívar intersection was officially opened
by RicardoMartinelli, President of Panama; Jaime Ford Cas-
tro, Panama’s Minister of Public Works; and Víctor Alberola
Ruipérez, Chairman of FCC Construcción Centroamérica.
The project, built by FCC, cost 216 million Balboas (the Pa-
namanian currency), and included the construction of an
overpass, a roundabout, and an underpass as well as the
placement of power and telecommunication lines under-
ground and the relocation of two drinking water pipelines.
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