Communication Network - Nº22 - page 21

and Business
FCC Construcción participated in the Spain/
Brazil Investment and Business Cooperation
Forum, which was organized by ICEX Espa-
ña Exportación and took place on 26 and 27
November last in Sao Paulo.
International Construction Economic
Forum in Amsterdam
Vicente Mohedado, FCC Construcción’s de-
puty corporate manager for Latin America,
gave the presentation on FCC, highlighting
the company’s vast experience in marine
The forum was supported by the economic
and trade offices of the Spanish embassy in
Sao Paulo and Brasilia. The event aimed at
making it easier to identify investment and
business cooperation opportunities and po-
tential partners in the Brazilian market.
Miguel Jurado, general manager of FCC
Construcción, participated in the International
Construction Economic Forum (ICEF) held in
In his speech, Jurado introduced FCC to
the forum participants and spoke about its
ongoing drive for further internationalization.
He also had something to say about the pre-
sent business circumstances and how FCC
is clearly concentrating on strategic markets
and projects in which the company can con-
tribute added value.
Also participating in the event was Fernando
Flórez, head of the technical office on the Vi-
din Bridge project and currently a member of
FCC’s Technical Services. He presented the
Vidin Bridge project, which was selected as
a finalist for this year’s International Construc-
tion Project Award.
Vidin Bridge eventually took second pla-
ce after the world’s tallest skyscrapers, the
355-metre-tall twin towers housing the JW
Marriott Marquis Hotel in Dubai.
u s i n e s s
Cooperation Forum in Sao Paulo
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