Communication Network - Nº22 - page 24

section (Galicia)
Pajares Tunnels
Manuel Niño González, secretary general of Infrastructures of the
Ministry of Public Works, and the managing director of ADIF, Anto-
nio Gutiérrez Blanco.
Pajares tunnel work team.
The secretary general of infrastructures of the Ministry of Public Works,
Manuel Niño González, and the managing director of Administrador de
Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (Administrator of Railway Infrastructures,
ADIF, Spanish acronym), Antonio Gutiérrez Blanco, toured the project of
the Vilariño-Campobecerros section which is part of the High Speed Line
access project in Galicia.
The 7.9 km long section crosses the towns of Castrelo do Val, A Gudiña,
and Vilariño de Conso, in the province of Orense.
This section includes several unique elements, such as the 6,780 metre
long Bolaños Tunnel and the 41 metre long viaduct over Regato de Val de
Parada. The only section executed using a tunnel boring machine in com-
parison with other sections of the tunnel that are excavated and supported
by means of conventional methods, using the New Austrian Method.
Each of the twin tunnels measures 6 kilometres in length and will be exca-
vated sequentially using the same tunnel boring machine.
The deputy manager of construction of Ad-
ministrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias
(ADIF), Manuel Puga Fernández, visited the
waterproofing project of the Pajares tunnels,
north side, currently being built by FCC.
This project, particularly complex due to
the large water volume and pressure of the
underground aquifers, is being carried out
as an R+D+i test project at the laboratory
at the Machinery Park in Arganda, with the
collaboration of the project managers, the
delegation and department of the Machinery
Department, and the Technical Departments
in order to reduce water seepage in the tun-
nels and to improve the waterproofing of the
geocomposite of the sections.
Touring railway projects
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