Communication Network - Nº22 - page 34

Gemma Thatcher
runs for life
Gemma Thatcher, Administration Manager for re3, ran the Race for
Life in reading, Berkshire County, England, with a group of family and
friends called the “Radiation Runaways”.
Thanks to her efforts, 2,235 pounds were raised which will be ear-
marked for funding the necessary research for treating and curing
After receiving her own thyroid cancer diagnosis (now in remission),
Gemma decided to complete her first Race for Life in 2012. Since
then, her mother and two close friends have also received treatment
for cancer.
Unfortunately, her mother died last September and Gemma is keen
to encourage even more people to take part in future Race for Life
events to help raise funds required to fight this disease.
After 23 years at FCC, the moment has
come to say farewell to José María Verdú,
former managing director of FCC’s Legal
Department. He is retiring happily and looks
forward to this new stage in his life. His co-
llaborators have wanted to honour him and
express their appreciation at FCC’s offices in
Las Tablas for all the years working together,
living memorable, difficult, and successful
The legal department pays homage
José María Verdú
See pdf
José María expressed his appreciation for the
comradeship, the efforts, and the team work
of all the people in his department and for the
support he has received throughout his pro-
fessional career. During the event, members
of the Legal Department gave him a gift as a
token of appreciation for his career at FCC.
Watch video
Letter from Felipe García
to José María Verdú
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