Communication Network - Nº22 - page 35

The contract contemplates the cons-
truction of terminal TX-1 at the Açu
Port located in São João de Barra
(north-east Brazil), 315 kilometres
north of Rio de Janeiro, a region
which produces 85% of the country’s
oil and gas. The project involves the
expansion of a dock previously built
which requires a new dyke in order to
be able to start operations.
The project
The success of the
Açu Port (Brazil)
work team
After a difficult start, the work of FCC at the
Açu Port project is progressing as schedule
and, in January, 44% of the project had been
This progress was achieved thanks to the
team efforts and work which has made it
possible to surmount the most difficult cha-
Caisson number 15 was recently anchored
at the Açu Port project; the sloping wall was
completed up to the +3 level, and other cais-
sons are going to be built at the Mar del Ane-
to production vessels.
All the caissons built in Spain were anchored
by mid-January thereby completing 44% of
the total project.
Congratulations for the Açu team for achie-
ving this great milestone.
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