Communication Network - Nº22 - page 46

Promoting health
“Taking care of your Back”
As part of the measures aimed at promo-
ting health, the TAKE CARE OF YOUR
BACK campaign covers the main health
problems affecting people in their personal
and professional lives: the discomforts, pa-
ins, and injuries affecting our backs, which
The key objective of this campaign is to promote a
healthy back and prevent complaints.
diminish the quality of life of people in their
day-to-day lives.
FCC, in collaboration with the Sociedad
de Prevención FREMAP, organised several
events to build awareness and to provide
information on back discomforts and on
the need to take care of our bodies and our
movements to prevent musculoskeletal in-
juries and discomforts.
After publishing information at work places
on back pain caused by handling loads,
driving, and being overweight more than
30 live sessions have been organised at
various business areas. During the training
courses, the key risk factors for back pain
have been explained as well as the preven-
Take care
of your back for a
healthier life
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