Communication Network - Nº22 - page 48

Safety and health in winter
Driving tips
During the winter months, when weather
conditions are adverse and place our road
safety at risk, FCC made several recom-
mendations and issued warnings so that
we can all adapt our vehicles and our way
of driving to inclement weather conditions.
Don’t forget to have the following in
your vehicle: a reflective vest, warning
FCC organised for the first time its Healthy
Christmas campaign which consisted of
a contest to receive ideas on healthy ha-
bits and tips during the Christmas holidays
and, thereby, launch the new year and the
“Healthy Community 2014” project.
Some of the ideas were:
Surprise everyone with an original,
healthy and light lunch or dinner.
Enjoy an active vacation.
Give the gift of vitality, health, and well-
Some of our colleagues sent their propo-
sals, all very interesting, for putting into
practice once the holidays were over.
M. Antonio Carmona, from FCC Construc-
ción, tells us not to go to bed angry and to
try to solve the day’s problems especially
Healthy Christmas
Watch the Traffic
Department (DGT) video
those with those we love (inspired by a text
by Gabriel García Márquez).
Marta Agudo, from FCC Ámbito, encou-
rages us to do something for the environ-
ment, to consume responsibly, and to re-
cycle waste.
Alberto Terrón, from FCC Aqualia, proposes
the activity “the race of repentance” which
implies spending as much time as you did
enjoying a generous meal by doing some
physical activity to offset the binge eating.
Other advice and recommendations inclu-
ded happiness recipes (smiling and crea-
ting illusions); giving, sports and health;
purifying treatments; handmade gifts; ho-
memade desserts; keeping active; spen-
ding time with the family at the park or
shopping,; sharing some time; enjoying the
outdoors; and, spreading a healthy spirit.
Learn about the campaign
For more information and if you want to be
part of the Healthy Community 2014, get
in touch with:
triangles, chains, lantern, ice scraper,
antifog cloth, battery cables, and a
spare tire.
In case there are any incidents, it would
be useful to have warm clothing, glo-
ves, waterproof footwear, calorie-rich
foods, a cell phone and charger for the
Proper maintenance of the vehicle
is essential: control the levels of li-
quids (anti-freeze and refrigerant), oil,
and fuel deposit, and ensure that the
windscreen wipers are in good wor-
king order, as well as the tires (pressure
and treads), brakes, heated real glass
window, hood, and lights.
“Adapting your driving
to cold temperatures”
Keep the headlights on.
Reduce speed.
Increase the distance between
Don’t put on the breaks abruptly.
Check the conditions of the roads
Don’t change the speed sharply or
move from one lane to another or
change directions abruptly.
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