Communication Network - Nº22 - page 56

FCC wins prize for its electric waste collection truck
This project
reflects FCC’s commitment
in the field of innovation
applied to services
FCC was awarded an Innovation + Sustai-
nability + Network Prize, organized by the
financial newspaper Expansión, in the ca-
tegory Great Sustainable Company for its
electric waste collection truck.
The vice-chairman and CEO of FCC, Juan
Béjar, collected the prize which was given
to him by Miguel Arias Cañete, minister of
Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Ali-
cia Alcocer Koplowitz, CEO of the Citizen
Services Group and vice-chairwoman of
Cementos Portland Valderrivas was also
present at this event.
Béjar stated that “innovation is an essential
vector for competitiveness and fundamental
at times like these when the Spanish eco-
nomy needs a boost”. Bejár acknowledged
the merit of the engineers working at the
The bodyworks are driven by a hydraulic
pump fed by an electric engine that only
starts to function when power is required
by the operators who drive the vehicle. This
reduces the noise produced in loading and
unloading operations to a minimum.
Commitment to innovation
This project reflects FCC’s commitment to
innovation applied to services. The Citizen
Services Group’s sustainability policy is di-
rectly aligned to the needs of public admi-
nistrations and citizens’ demands, aware of
the importance of managing financial and
natural resources with sustainable criteria. It
also underscores FCC’s leadership positio-
ning in the management of urban services,
company which has more than 100 years
experience in waste collection. He indica-
ted that there are currently more than 300
vehicles of this type circulating in Spanish
cities such as Madrid and Barcelona. It is
also a Zero Emissions vehicle (less stress
for workers and less accidents at work) and
its development benefits FCC and repre-
sents a competitive edge versus its peers.
A proprietary technology offering clients,
in tender processes a profitable, low con-
sumption technology and an alternative to
conventional fuels.
The prize is awarded as recognition of in-
novation in the design of products and ser-
vices in organizations in the context of an
integration process in a more sustainable
Finalist in the World Smart Cities
The FCC-technology truck was also a fina-
list at the third edition of the World Smart
Cities Awards 2013. Of the more than 250
projects submitted, the international ex-
perts committee of Fira Barcelona selected
FCC as one of the finalists in the project
category for the design of the side-loading,
hybrid electric compactor vehicle.
The other five finalists in this category were:
“Funabashi Morino-City” of the Mitsubishi
Corporation (Japan); the i3 inter-mode mo-
bility model, integrated and innovative of
the city of Offenbacham Main (Germany);
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