Communication Network - Nº22 - page 64

“24 hours
with the citizen”
The slogan chosen by FCC
The Smart City Expo World Congress, or-
ganised by Fira de Barcelona, is the leading
international event of the smart cities sector.
A must and the place where the public and
private sectors get together to offer a vision
of the future of cities and citizens and to offer
ready-to-implement solutions to make our
cities the best places to live and work.
Participating in
Barcelona’s Smart City Expo World Congress
The FCC Group participated at this interna-
tional key event for Smart Cities, informing
about the Company’s institutional projection
and promoting the cohesion among the ini-
tiatives and interests of its three business
areas. The goal was to show the market that
FCC, in collaboration with city councils and
public entities, is the only one able to offer all
the basic services that a city requires, doing
this while promoting the smart option. The
event provides an excellent opportunity for
demonstrating the Company’s potential and
leadership positioning, its commitment to
listening and to sharing the different innova-
tive trends and ideas for developing Smart
FCC’s participation in the third edition of this
event focused on being actively involved in
presentations and meetings, having a stand
with on-the-spot and digital interactivity, and
on organizing demonstrations at the Smart
Plaza of some of the projects already in ope-
rations in several municipalities.
Meeting point and
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